12U LADY STROS (Hernandez) would like to invite everyone to our APRIL Showdown the weekend of APRIL 4-6 2014.
Entry Fee: $150 plus $30 Pay-at-the-Plate
Location: Pearson Park, 2300 RYAN DRIVE. Alvin Texas
Format: 4 game guarantee ( 2 pool and double elimination bracket)
6u/8u: 55 minute pool and 60 min bracket games. 1 umpire except for 3rd place and championship games.
10u/12u/14u: 55 minute pool games, 65 minute bracket games.
6u/8u - free sub and bat your lineup. 6 run limit per 1/2 inning
10u/12u/14u - bat your lineup and free substitutions.
Pearson Park has 8 lighted fields, plenty of warm up areas, a park for the kids, no gate fee, and plenty of concessions and vendors.
Please contact Jesse Hernandez via email for registration or additional information at:
Jesse Hernandez - jesseisotex@aol.com - 281-352-6442
Thank you all once again for your continued support of our organization and for your involvement with the girls of your community!!!! Without coaches and parents such as yourselves involved with the youth of our communities softball would not be as strong as it currently is HAVE A BLESSED DAY!.