There's a catch-phrase circulating out there that comes to mind when I see an aggressive training schedule like yours. Train "like you mean it" would be an example. Just remember that while some professionals start out with grueling training schedules, it doesn't follow that everyone who uses the same strategy will be shaped into a pro. More often than not, such training exceeds the athlete's ability to recover, and breaks them down faster than it builds them up.
The building, of course, is going to come from your body's immune system, which is most active when you are at rest. Spending too much time challenging it, and not enough time letting it do its work, may seem like a one-way ticket to the kind of dysfunction you are experiencing. It may seem as if you are broken, and that something is wrong with your body, but it is most likely a case of high expectations meeting reality.
The difference between pros and the rest of us is how quickly and how well they can recover from what they ask of themselves. Their reality is different, by genetics and gradual conditioning.
You can bounce back from this, but you need to give back the recovery time your schedule has been taking away. This formula is unique to every individual (your results may vary), but I have no doubt you will find it and progress will again be possible. First, some rest, followed by an evaluation of how your training schedule has been affecting you in particular, and how to re-shape it into something more realistic.
Health and training professionals can be good for this, but be aware there are a few professionals out there who may see your driven lifestyle as a gold mine. As far as training goes, it's better to live to fight another day, than to push yourself past your sustainable limits. Remember that a schedule that does not bother you can actually become harmful when a few races are thrown into the mix. These all-out contests may not feel like all you can do, but the excitement of the moment often blinds us to how much we've asked of ourselves.
Most of the time, a race will be longer, faster, or with more sustained effort than the training leading up to it. The difference between a pro and the rest of us may be that this is taken into account when training and racing. The effort and total recovery time has to be adjusted for give and take. There is no free lunch. If you want to train too hard, you'll have to race easier, and if you want a great race, you'll have to train a little lighter. What amazes us about the pros, is that their performance level is so high, it almost looks easy. They could go farther and faster if it was sustainable, but the balance shifts toward the training. Just allow for the fact that the high level at which they train can coexist with a race that is out of reach for most of us, yet the total is within their ability to recover.
You've found your limits. Now it's time to craft a program that works within those limits (and possibly expand them). It may not be comfortable, but has to be sustainable. When the current limits are exceeded, you will have to give back. You are correct that the brief period of sedentary activity, though necessary, was counterproductive. Whenever that happens, don't try to make up for lost time. You will have to gradually regain the lost fitness, or risk overdriving your de-conditioned body.
Remedial work can be too aggressive, as well. More rolling and stretching is not necessarily going to speed recovery proportionately. Too much can even slow you down.
I don't think you did anything wrong, just did too much of some things. I also don't think there is anything wrong that won't fix itself, but time has to be allowed for this. We've all been there. Welcome to the club, and good luck with your recovery.