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5th Annual "Born in the USA" ASA Qualifier - June 28-29, 2014 12U 14U 16U Discount if entered by 2/10

Greetings Everyone and Happy New Year from the Tinley Park Rockers!


The Tinley Park Rockers have announced their 2014 tournament schedule.

Our Organization will be hosting 2 Round Robin and 2 ASA Qualifiers in 2014.


$200 per team for 3 Game Round Robins

$500 per team for ASA Qualifiers

If you enter and of our tournaments by Monday, February 10, you will receive a $25 discount.


Providence High School - New Lenox

Andrew High School - Tinley Park

Tinley Park Park District Fields - Tinley Park

Country Club Hills Park District - Country Club Hills

Orland Hills Park District - Orland Hills

ASA Qualifiers


June 7-8, 2014 -Softball Palooza (1st Annual) - 12U, 14U

June 28-29, 2014 - Born in the USA (5th Annual) - 12U, 14U, and 16U

ASA Misc:

               Individual and Team Awards for 1st and 2nd Place

               ASA Certified Umpires - 2 for ALL GAMES

               ASA approved softballs

               All ASA rules strictly enforced.

The June 7-8 ASA tournament will be for 12U and 14U teams only. We will only allow 8 teams per age group on the June 7-8 weekend due to field availability. So once again, if you want teams in the tournament, they should get in as fast as possible.

Each team will play 4 games. 3 games will be pool games (1 hour 15 minutes) followed by a single elimination championship play (1 hour 20 minutes).

Game Balls and umpires are provided. All ASA rules will be enforced throughout the tournament.

The cost of this tournament is $500. You will get a $50 discount if you enter your team by Monday February 10, 2014


On June 28-29, the Tinley Park Rockers will host their 5th annual Tinley Park Rockers "Born in the USA" ASA Qualifier Tournament!

The Tinley Park Rockers will be hosting a 4 game ASA Girls's Softball Qualifier on Saturday June 28, and Sunday June 29. Please note that the Tinley Park Rockers may require teams that are "local to the Tinley Park Area" to play some games on Friday, June 27 if we have a great amount of teams signing up to play.

Each team will play 4 games. 2 games will be pool games (1 hour 15 minutes) followed by a double elimination championship play (1 hour 20 minutes).

Game Balls and umpires are provided. All ASA rules will be enforced throughout the tournament.
The Tinley Park Rockers plan to schedule games at the following age groups:


Please contact tournament director Don Mayo with any questions atDonald.Mayo@sbcglobal.net.

The cost of this tournament is $500. You will get a $50 discount if you enter your team by Monday February 10, 2014


Round Robins

The Tinley Park Rockers will be limited to the amount of teams we can allow in our 3 game round robins. Only 4 teams will be allowed per age group. We ran into darkness trying to force to many games in a day. Once a date is sold out, no additional teams will be allowed in.


April 6, 2014 - 3 Game Round Robin for 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, and 14U teams

April 13, 2014 - 3 Game Round Robin for 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, and 14U teams

Each team will play 3 games and each game will be 1 hour 20 minutes "Drop Dead". 
Game Balls and umpire is provided. ASA Pitching distances will be used. 
We will allow an unlimited batting order and free subs throughout each game.
Please note that is we DO NOT have enough teams at the 11U and 13U age brackets, we will combine these age brackets (11U with 12U and 13U with 14U).

Even though these round robins are "CLASS=OPEN", we will try and schedule CLASS A teams against other CLASS A teams and CLASS B teams against other CLASS B teams.

Please contact tournament director Don Mayo with any questions at Donald.Mayo@sbcglobal.net.

The cost of either round robin tournament is $200. You will get a $25 discount if you enter your team by Monday February 10, 2014

The E-teamz links for the ASA tournaments are below and an entry form is also attached.

I would like to introduce to you my new tournament director. His name is Don Mayo.

Don's e-mail address is:


April 6 3-Game Round Robin


April 13 3-Game Round Robin


June 7-8, 2014 "Softball Palooza"


June 28-29, 2014 "Born in the USA"



Jack Kotas

President of the Tinley Park Rockers

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