A competitive streak is a good motivator to work harder in physicalactivity, and the group cycling classes at a fitness center in New York cityare taking advantage of this winning instinct by turning it into a class formatand encouraging participants to compete with each other.
Classes are organized into three different sections, red, blue, andgreen teams respectively. When classparticipants reserve their spot for a cycling class, they’re also joining ateam and at the end of the class only one team can be the winner.
The winning team is determined by the “swerve” score, a combination oftotal wattage the team produces by how hard their pedaling their bikes. The bikes have been equipped with screensshowing riders their own rate of speed and energy output, as well as the totaloutput for their teams. For those with acompetitive urge, this not only encourages them to work harder but can causethem to encourage their teammates to push themselves even more for the good ofthe whole.
Accountability to someone else is a huge motivator to increase fitnesslevels, and helps participants in the class form a social bond that willincrease their mental wellness at the same time.
Cycling isn’t the only group fitness format that has tried thisout. Many businesses instead of sendingpotential partners to luncheons or out for drinks have begun encouraging themto attend boot camp classes to motivate each other and see how well they worktogether. Another fitness center in NewYork has also begun organizing classes where participants focus on strengthtraining, then play competitive school games in the 2nd half. While it may seem childish, the results aredefinitive that participants work harder and enjoy their workout more than ifthey were engaging in the activities alone.
This is a fitness trend that could spread throughout the next year, andif a person has a competitive streak of any form, they may enjoy participatingin this style of workout to improve their health.
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