Many workouts or fitness programs are targeted to markets by promisingspecific effects. Flatter abs, firmerglutes, toned thighs and arms are often advertised as guarantees if certainmovements or workout patterns are followed. Unfortunately, these promises to tone and trim specific areas are emptyas the concept of spot reduction through specific movements is not possible.
The concept of spot reduction is the belief that training a specificmuscle group or body area will result in fat loss to that area of the bodyonly. These trouble areas are thereasons that people continually seek out spot reduction methods, even thoughthe fat never goes away. The reason thatspot reduction doesn’t work is that the muscles targeted by these exercises aresmall in comparison with the overall surrounding muscle groups, and that fatdoesn’t melt or burn away.
Burning fat is more of a descriptive term for the process by which thebody uses fat to produce energy during exercise. If all sources of energy have been used up,the body will burn fat to sustain activity as long as adequate nutritional goalsare being met. This usage of fat forenergy cannot be specifically directed to one area, such as the hips orthighs. It’s an allover process thatburns fat evenly over the whole body. Spot training can tone smaller muscles in an already trim body, but eventhen the area will not lose weight more rapidly or become smaller overall thanthe rest of the body.
Not only that, focusing solely on one specific “spot” leaves the rest ofthe body neglected and increases the risk for injury. The best method of losing weight anddecreasing body fat is an all-over approach. If someone wants to sculpt more muscle and burn more fat, they mustincrease their overall fitness levels, not just the muscles of the arms, legs,or hips. Focusing on a comprehensivetraining program will create an overall lean body and reduced fat levels acrossall muscle groups.
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About Expert Brand
Expert Performance is a vertically integratedmanufacturer of Performance Apparel. We have been making products bothdomestically and overseas for more than twenty years. Expert has been a leadinginnovator in the design and development of smart fabric technology to createand manufacture fashionable, high quality, functional garments for the activelifestyle, athletic, and sportswear markets. Our line of basic and specialtyproducts cater to the needs of distributors, decorators, and retailers. We areproud to offer profitable opportunities to you, our partner.
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Adam Heimann
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