Most people have heard of rehab after an injury, but what’s making wavesin many fitness clubs is the idea of “prehab.” The goal of prehab is to improve overall function of all the body’ssystems to prevent injury and other health issues from appearing to beginwith.
Todd Durkin, author of The IMPACT Body Plan has defined prehab as allexercises and routines that prevent a person from being injured and thusneeding rehabilitation treatment. Thisnot only includes strengthening muscles, but ensuring proper nutrition andsupplementation when needed, getting adequate sleep, and other preventativehealth measures that will increase overall wellness for every individual.
One of the main focuses of a prehab training program is strengtheningthe muscles of the core, which helps decrease imbalances and posture issuesthat can increase the risk of injury. This focus also strengthens whole body function within all muscle groupsby helping a person to maintain proper form and posture throughout any workout.
In addition to the focus on the core muscles, many trainingprofessionals and athletes say that prehab exercises should focus on functionaltraining to enhance stability and mobility for the entire body. Functional training not only includesstrengthening programs and cardiovascular work, but focuses on stretchingtreatments and corrective exercises including myofascial release to decreasetension in ligaments and easily injured areas such as the hips, back, andshoulders.
For those who are potentially facing surgery on a weaker part of theirbody, such as the knees or ankles, a prehab training program can not only helpstrengthen this area, but can increase the rehabilitation process if it isneeded. Sometimes surgery can be avoidedall together, but it’s best to consult with a physician to determine the extentof the injury, and the best method of treatment.
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Expert Performance is a vertically integratedmanufacturer of Performance Apparel. We have been making products bothdomestically and overseas for more than twenty years. Expert has been a leadinginnovator in the design and development of smart fabric technology to createand manufacture fashionable, high quality, functional garments for the activelifestyle, athletic, and sportswear markets. Our line of basic and specialty productscater to the needs of distributors, decorators, and retailers. We are proud tooffer profitable opportunities to you, our partner.
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