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93-year-old British Fitness Instructor Shows Age Doesn’t Need to Stop Exercise


Though many see retirement as a time to relax and slow down, other seesit as a time to increase activity and keep up their wellness habits despiteaging.  In Britain, 93-year-old MargaretAllen would fall into the second category with her post-retirement activity ofbeing a fitness instructor.


Margaret leads a 90-minute dance based fitness class at a local churchin her small town near Middleborough, and has received recognition for possiblybeing the oldest fitness instructor in the country.  Her goal is to make the classes she teachesfun for participants so they stay active throughout their retirement years,which has been shown by research to increase longevity and stave off the manydiseases associated with aging.


Her classes consist of 90-minutes of dance with a break for tea inbetween, and she currently has between 10-18 participants each day.  It’s nothing new for her as she’s beenteaching classes since 1965, and not only enjoys the physical workout but thesocial engagement as well.


Outside of the fitness classes, Margaret is also a prolific poetrywriter with six published books and work on a seventh.  She also enjoys scrabble with friends andplaying the piano at her home. 


Seeing someone of Margaret’s age continue to engage in physical activityand reap the numerous benefits (enhanced mood, more energy, sharper mentality)can be a huge motivation for the aging population of baby boomers.  It’s recently been shown that beginning anexercise program at any age is beneficial, and the longer it’s kept up the morethe body responds and improves health. 


Age doesn’t have to be a sentence of isolation and inactivity; physicalactivity such as walking, dancing, or gentle strength training can benefitparticipants of all ages.  And as peoplelike Margaret have shown, the longer one engages the more benefits they’ll havethroughout the span of their life. 


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Expert Performance is a vertically integratedmanufacturer of Performance Apparel. We have been making products bothdomestically and overseas for more than twenty years. Expert has been a leadinginnovator in the design and development of smart fabric technology to createand manufacture fashionable, high quality, functional garments for the activelifestyle, athletic, and sportswear markets. Our line of basic and specialtyproducts cater to the needs of distributors, decorators, and retailers. We areproud to offer profitable opportunities to you, our partner.


For more information, visit Expert Brand’s websiteat http://expertbrand.com.


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Adam Heimann

Director of Marketing / Media &PR



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